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Copying shifts

Learn how to copy the full schedule, selected shifts, or one shift

Christina avatar
Written by Christina
Updated over 8 months ago

This article was last reviewed on June 3, 2024.

There are a few ways to copy shifts with Sling.

Copying the full schedule

You can copy shifts from any view (day/week/month) and also use any filters available in the calendar window. ย 

To copy all the shifts in view, click the copy button at the top right of the Schedule page.

Next, choose the dates you would like to copy from and the dates you want to copy to. Note that you can choose to copy more than one week at a time here.

There are also options to revert all the shifts to unassigned shifts, to copy unpublished shifts, and to skip conflicts and labor cost checks. Make your selections, then click Copy.

If you would like to keep the selected shifts assigned to the same employee, just leave the Ignore attendees option off as pictured above.

The shifts you copy will be applied to the selected dates as unpublished shifts, allowing you to make any changes necessary before making the schedule visible to your employees.

Copying selected shifts

If you only want to copy a few shifts, you can use the checkboxes within shifts to select those you wish to include and then use the copy button that will appear at the top left of the page.

You will also get the chance to choose which week to paste the shifts to as well as the option to revert them to unassigned shifts and skip conflict and labor checks.

Copying one shift

If you only want to copy one shift, you can use the method above or you can take advantage of a faster shortcut.ย 

If you would like to copy a shift quickly within the calendar view, you can hold down CTRL or Command on your keyboard while you drag and drop the shift to its new slot.

You can use recurring shifts if you want to copy one shift over multiple days.

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