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How much does Sling cost?

Learn where to find the most up-to-date info on pricing for our Premium and Business subscriptions

Christina avatar
Written by Christina
Updated over a month ago

This article was last updated on February 3, 2025.

Sling's costs are based on the number of users for the account. There are no base fees, hidden charges, or contracts.

A "user" is any profile added to an account and includes all system roles (admin, manager, and employee). 

For example: 

1 admin + 2 managers + 17 employees = 20 users.

Users who have been deactivated or deleted do not count toward your user total.

All free accounts, excluding any accounts created through Toast, will be limited to 30 users. If your account has fewer than 30 users in total, nothing is changing for you right now. If you attempt to add a 31st user, you will be prompted to either remove an existing user or upgrade to a Sling Premium or Business subscription.

If your account is currently on our Free plan and has more than 30 users in total, you may continue to use your account as it is. However, you will not be able to add additional users unless you upgrade to Sling Premium or Business.

To see the most updated price per user for each of our subscriptions, please visit our pricing page at:

There, you will also find a comprehensive list of all the features included with each subscription.

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