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Employee mobile app guide

Review the menu components for the Sling mobile app

Christina avatar
Written by Christina
Updated over 10 months ago

This article was last reviewed on May 15, 2024.

Once you’ve joined your company’s Sling account, you’ll be able to log in to the Sling mobile app using the password you created with the email address you used to join Sling. This guide will provide an overview of the Menu tabs and functions in the mobile app.

You can download the app from the Google Play Store for Android phones or the App Store for iPhones. Please always make sure that you have the most recent version of Sling to ensure that it works properly.

You may notice that you do not have access to certain functions detailed in this guide, and that is because there are different settings and different types of subscriptions that determine what details users have access to. Read on for more information about the menu items in the Sling app!


The Dashboard is where you will be able to clock in and out of shifts, view any Notifications, and start or end your breaks.

If you tap on the Profile circle in the top left of your screen, you’ll see the option to edit your profile or upload a new profile picture. (More about your profile later.)

Over on the right, tapping the option dots will allow you to dismiss all notifications. You can also swipe left across any notification to dismiss it. Please note that you are only able to view dismissed notifications if you are in the web version of Sling.

You will also notice a banner in your Dashboard where you can clock in or out of a shift. The banner will be blue when users first access the app; it will be green when a user is clocked in. When you tap to clock in, you will be asked to confirm that you are ready to clock in. You will be able to see the shift’s details in the background to be sure you’re starting the correct shift. (More about clocking in and out below.)

Below the time clock banner, you will see any notifications you have received. These might include new shifts that have been assigned to you, or new available shifts that you can apply for by tapping “Apply.” If you swipe left on an available shift notification, you will see the option to apply or dismiss.

When you tap on a shift notification, you will be able to see the details about that new shift, including the date, time, location, position, and coworkers.

At the bottom of your screen, you will see the other tabs: Shifts, Tasks, Messages, and More. You may notice your menu looks different, depending on the features that your company is using. If you ever have questions, you can contact Customer Support using the Help & Support link found in the More tab.


The Shifts tab is where you can view your schedule details. Note that there are up to 3 views in the tab: My schedule, Full schedule, and Available shifts. You may only see 2 views depending on your company’s settings.

The top left icon allows you to adjust schedule filters. Anything that you turn off here will no longer be visible to you in the schedule. You may want to hide some things from view if you do not need to see them. If you ever need to revert to the default filter settings, you can tap “reset filters.”

In the top center, you will see the month that you are viewing. If you tap the month, you can jump to a different date. To the right of the month, you will see a small calendar icon (with a date in it). Tapping this icon will bring you back to the current day.

You might notice that some days have notes that indicate a holiday. You will also notice that some shifts appear in different colors. This is because, in Sling, each position type is color-coded.

Tapping on a shift will pull up the details of it. Details for a shift might include a Tag or Task that indicates specific items you are expected to complete during your shift. If you ever have questions about a shift assignment, make sure to check with your Manager.

Notice when you tap on a shift that there are 3 dots in the top right corner. These options dots allow you to make the shift available, offer the shift to a coworker, or swap a shift with a coworker. You may see something different depending on your company’s settings. A shift you attempt to give up will still appear on your schedule until someone else has taken responsibility for it. Always contact the appropriate manager to notify them when you are unable to work.


In the tasks tab, view any tasks that have been assigned to you, or review completed assigned tasks.


The messages tab is where you will be able to communicate with your coworkers. In the center of the screen at the top, the default will show “All conversations.” You can tap this to select if you want to only view private (1:1) or group conversations. If you have archived any conversations, you will also be able to see the “Archived” option listed here.

You will see existing conversation threads listed in this tab. If you have the ability to create new conversations, then at the top right, tapping the + symbol will allow you to create a new conversation. When you tap + you will see a screen where you can name the conversation. Below this, you can tap the field with the right-pointing arrow to pull up a list of your coworkers. Select from this list to add people to a new conversation.

If you tap on a conversation, you will also see those 3 option dots again in the upper right corner. Tapping them will provide you the options to pin the conversation, archive the conversation, or disable notifications for the conversation. You can also see the option to pin or archive a conversation if you swipe left across an individual thread in your list. “Pinning” a conversation will move it to the top of your list so that you don’t have to search for it.

Note that you do not have the option to delete a conversation. Only admins and managers can delete group conversations.

If a conversation is no longer relevant or necessary, you can archive it. When you are in a conversation, tap the options dots in the upper right corner to select “Archive conversation.” The conversation thread will be moved to your archived section, where you can unarchive it if needed. Note that if you archive a group conversation and other users are still posting within that thread, it will automatically become unarchived. You might consider disabling notifications for a conversation instead if you prefer to stop getting notifications for it.


In the main view for this tab, you will see Profile, Newsfeed, Unavailability, Time Sheets, Settings, Coworkers, Give us feedback, and Help & Support. Again, depending on your company’s settings, you may see fewer things listed here.

If you tap to view your Profile, you will see your profile picture, first and last name, email address, country code, phone number, date of birth, system role, time zone, locations, positions, and any groups you have been assigned to. Note that you do not have access to edit the locations or positions assigned to you and that you must be assigned to at least one location and position in order to see available shifts.

The Newsfeed takes you to a collection of posts similar to what you see on social media sites like Facebook. Your company might post articles, company information, or other communications here.

Time sheets will allow you to review your current recorded hours based upon the time you have been scheduled, and the times you have clocked in and out of your shifts.

Just as with the Shifts view, your time sheet will display a week at a time. To review the details of a particular shift, simply tap on that shift. When you are in the shift details view, you will see 3 dots in the upper right corner. Tapping there will give you the option to edit, add a note about that shift, or delete the entry--if your company has enabled permission for employees to edit their shifts. Always contact your Manager if you have questions about your timesheet.

In Settings, you can adjust sound effects, time format, enable shift alarms for your phone, sync your Sling schedule to Google Calendar, and adjust dashboard, message, or newsfeed notification settings. Personalizing these settings will help the Sling app function in the way that best meets your individual needs.

If you have questions about a feature in Sling, you can search articles in our Help Center. You can also contact Customer Support through the More tab by tapping “Help & Support.”

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