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Notification settings

Adjust your settings to receive the notifications you need

Christina avatar
Written by Christina
Updated over 3 months ago

This article was last updated on December 18, 2024.

When you join Sling, you may wish to adjust the default emails and alerts you receive regarding activity in your company's Sling account. Each person who has joined a company's Sling account has the ability to adjust their own notification settings. It is not possible for an admin or manager to adjust an employee's notifications. The type of subscription that a company selects determines the options available for these settings. Read on to review how to make adjustments to your notifications so that you receive the alerts you need.

**Please note that when you adjust your notification settings, it takes up to 24 hours for the changes to take effect.**

From the web

To change the method or frequency for notifications, click your name at the top right corner of any page and select Settings.

You can also click the Settings tab from the Dashboard.

Select the Notifications tab. Here, you can select the options you would like for receiving Shift Alarms and notifications for the Dashboard, Messages, Newsfeed, and the Time Clock (if your org uses the feature). 

Admins and managers will also see options for Daily Report emails and Timeclock notifications on this page.

Admins also have the option to enable or disable employee activity notifications.

To be sure you get alerts for new schedules and available shifts, enable some form of Dashboard notification.

Please note: If you are joined to more than one Sling account, you can only receive mobile alerts for the account that you are logged into currently. In this case, we recommend enabling email notifications, which will be generated no matter which account is active.

Sling's message notification settings allow you to choose to receive a notification whenever you receive a new message, or to only receive a notification when you are mentioned or get a private message.

You can select how often you would like to receive email notifications from the options of Immediately, Every 15 minutes, or Once an hour.

Below is a sample of what an email would look like when the"Only when I am mentioned or get a direct message" notification setting is enabled in your settings:

From the mobile app

Tap the More tab, then choose Settings from the list.

This will bring up a list of options for your notifications. You can switch the toggles to turn an option and/or delivery method on or off. Just like mentioned above, it's a good idea to allow some form of Dashboard notifications so you will be alerted of new schedules and available shifts (among other important info). Just remember to Save your changes when you're done!

Need help with Shift Alarms? Find more instructions for those here

Please note: The notifications that you receive are based on the Locations and Positions saved to your Profile. If you are receiving notifications for Locations/Positions that you do not want, you will need to contact your Manager or an Admin for your company's Sling account and ask them to remove those details from your profile. If you have the system role of Employee, then you do not have authorization to edit those details within your Sling profile.

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